August 15, 2007

Fun with cousins

Sam, Elli, Elizabeth, Jackson, Anna, Caley and Kate. We're at the new museum on Milwaukee's waterfront-it's a Science/technology/aquarium kind of museum- a great museum. It was windy that day; looks like it bothered Jackson.
Sam, Kate and Elli on the climbing thing at Sue's birthday party in the park

Molly says hello to Chloe at Sue's birthday party. Chloe hasn't seen Molly since she was 18 months old- a full 6 months ago. Molly was so cute, getting in Chloe's face to talk with her.

Sam and Elli in the plastic bubble at the park. These two were wonderful playmates- it was so cute.

Kate loves getting her photo taken. Here she is, posing, on the center with Elli and Anna on the girls' side and Sam and Jackson on the boys' side.
July in Milwaukee- it can't be beat. Well, except for the heat and humidity. But we had a fabulous time visiting our family. The boys and Chloe were so excited to see their cousins.

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