August 16, 2007
hiking with Michelle

visiting Madison and Dave

Playing bingo with Grandma at Dave's house. This has to be on the top of the boys' list of things to do with Grandma. They love to be the caller (althought it looks like Grandma is the caller in this photo- how did that happen?) And when they get bingo, the boys shout out, "DINGO!"
We went to a hotel in downtown Madison for a night to meet up with our friends from St. Paul. Here is Chloe dancing on the bed, while the boys watch BooBahs- Chloe, Jackson, Sam and Desi.
Chloe makes her plans for the pool. This, of course, was her favorite part of the hotel. We had a poolside room, so she thought the pool was always open. When she wasn't in her swimsuit, she would run laps around the pool.
We went to the zoo in Madison. Here the kids are riding on the carousel. Jackson looks sad because right before this he fell and scraped his knee. We didn't have any bandaids at the moment.
me as a Simpsons character
Birthday Party #4

Jackson chose rainbow cake with blue frosting
Sam chose chocolate cake with PINK frosting

Chloe chose, "um, CAKE!"
We invited only the boys' friends, to keep the party size down. But one of the boys' friend has a brother in Chloe's class. His name is Bailey. He and Chloe sat at the little table.

There's Traci and Hudson at the far end of table. I made almond butter sandwiches cut into circles for kids lunches. That kid in the blue shirt at the end of the table, Ben, he looked at me and said, "these sandwiches are so good." As if I was some kind of world renowned chef.

We just built this new table for our deck. It's a 3x8 solid core door with metal legs from Ikea. We hadn't stained it yet, so the boys picked out a fish table cloth for their party.

I can't believe that Jeff got all these kids to sit on our steps for this photo. Jackson looks really happy about his party, doesn't he? Sam is always tipping his head! Chloe walked into the photo, and this girl named Ally put her arm around Chloe, so she'd be in the photo.

Jeff lined up all the kids for taking turns at the pinata. See, they all have their green candy bags ready for the sweet treats.

Birthday Party #3

August 15, 2007
Birthday Party #2

Chloe's turn

Sam's cool new 5 year old look

The boys got a computer that plugs into the tv for their birthday. They love to play their computer. Even Chloe likes the computer; she doesn't seem to understand that she's missing out on not actually playing the computer, just watching is fun enough- for now. Quickly after they began playing, each boy had a favorite game. Jackson likes 1-2-3 Click, a game where you chase around these bubbles and try to pop them. Sam likes Scout's House, a game where you walk around this dog's house (it looks like a person's house) and uncover all these fun things. His huge laugh above is probably when he got the dog's hair brush and you put it near the dogs head and he gets these funny hairdos.
Birthday Party #1

Chloe in front, Anna, Jackson, Sam & Elizabeth on Grandma and Grandpa's stairs. Jeff likes to collect all the kids on the stairs from group photos.

Sam dons his birthday hat. Jackson peers in on the clown cupcakes. "Which one should I pick?" he thinks. Then he shouts, "I'll pick THE BLUE ONE!" "Which one do you want Sammy? The blue one or the pink one, PICK SAMMY!"

Grandma bought Molly and Chloe matching princess dresses.

Chloe got crocs shoes for her birthday from Anna and Elizabeth. Chloe calls them "Molly's Shoes". She absolutely loves her "Molly's Shoes". She wears them every day and puts them on all by herself. I'm not sure why she calls them Molly's Shoes, since I think Molly was the only cousin who actually wasn't wearing crocs during our vacation.

singing happy birthday, not sure what Sam is doing with his hand
4th of July

These photos are of the cousins doing "Sam's head tilt". This way, then that way. Sammy, put your head up!

Photos from the parade- hands down the best part of the day. There were dogs to pet and lots of candy to collect. At the end of the parade, Jackson was crying, because the bigger kids were faster than he and they grabbed all of the candy before he could get to it. What a hardship! Later that night, we went to the fireworks and sat about 80 feet from where they were lighting the fireworks off the ground. What an amazing view. And loud too.
Fun with cousins

Sam, Kate and Elli on the climbing thing at Sue's birthday party in the park

Molly says hello to Chloe at Sue's birthday party. Chloe hasn't seen Molly since she was 18 months old- a full 6 months ago. Molly was so cute, getting in Chloe's face to talk with her.
Sam and Elli in the plastic bubble at the park. These two were wonderful playmates- it was so cute.
Kate loves getting her photo taken. Here she is, posing, on the center with Elli and Anna on the girls' side and Sam and Jackson on the boys' side.
July in Milwaukee- it can't be beat. Well, except for the heat and humidity. But we had a fabulous time visiting our family. The boys and Chloe were so excited to see their cousins.
August 14, 2007
Columbia City
