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Chloe- celebrating an 18 month birthday. Hey, any excuse to have cake!
Jackson- wearing a bandaid on the top half of his sore from licking his mouth and face excessively in the midwest dry air while on vacation.
Sam- following in Grandma's footsteps as he styles and trims the playdough barbershop guy's hair.
At one point, I thought January would never end and now it's over and I wonder what we did! Chloe is now 18 months old, started talking in sentences and telling her brothers, "NO!". That was satisfying. Jackson has become better at sharing. And Sam is obsessed with getting sick. This comes after being on vacation, I kept saying to him, "you can have one cookie; if you have too many, you'll get sick." Then a day later, we all got the stomach flu and he did get sick. So now he always asks if he has another cookie, cracker, whatever, if he's going to get sick! The boys started swimming lessons for the first time. Within a few lessons, Sam said that he blew bubbles in the water and then the next time, he put his ears under the water. This coming from a boy who screams when one drip of water falls over his face during hair washing- well, that's just great. Chloe just had her 18 month doctor visit. She's 80 percentage for her weight and height and her head circumference is off the charts- in the big end of thing. And just to rub it in, Jackson has been saying a lot lately, "Chloe has a big head!" I don't know why he would notice that. He has a big head too, which I always remind him. Sam has a big head, Jeff has a big head and I have a big head. So of course Chloe has a big head.Kari
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