December 24, 2010

Letters to Santa

Letters to Santa. (aka Mom's shopping list)

Note that Sam requested one of the presents for his Dad- a Wii game, of course.

We visited Santa in WI. Chloe was very shy and a little concerned that Santa wouldn't know what she wanted for Christmas since she didn't speak to him.

Sam and Jackson didn't have any problem talking Santa's ear off. The photographer told me I could only take one photo! I took ten and Jeff took video.

Here are letters to Santa- to leave next to the plate of cookies and milk.

See the snail- that's in case Santa is a fan of the game Plants Vs Zombies.

Sam wrote all of this on his own!

Chloe wrote this in the style of those people who write one long sentence email- with no punctuation.

December 20, 2010

We had an early Christmas in Seattle before heading to the tundra (Wisconsin) for real Christmas. These are the toys that were too big or messy to bring.

Doesn't every little boy want to excavate a set of dinosaur bones out of a hunk of plaster? Just like a real paleontologist...

Sam hard at work

The next morning, the great dig continues.

Jackson continues. See the T-Rex in the front.

Meanwhile, Chloe creates her pastry Easy Bake masterpieces in the kitchen.

Cookies and cakes

Finally... The wooly mammoth is completed.

December 13, 2010

Chloe's ice skates

Inspired by her new book, Chloe decides to make her own ice skates.

You just take some ballet slippers and a few crayons...

Add a little tape....

VoilĂ ! New ice skates.

Frustrated by the ice skates' performance, she decides to roller skate instead. And if course, a costume change is in order.

First blog from phone

It would be cool if this works.

The first snowflakes begin to fall. Time to put in our snow gear.


Me, Anna (Chloe's friend from school) and Chloe
