(this is part of a letter I wrote to a friend)
So, the boys are going into kindergarten. We had them evaluated through Seattle Public schools last January, thinking that they'd get into a special ed preschool class this year thru the school district. Both boys qualified for speech therapy, fine and gross motor occupational therapy and for social/emotional delays, BUT, they were cogitively ready for kindergarten! wow- that surprised me. I mean, I knew that they knew a lot of stuff, but since they've had so many delays, I just never figured they'd be ready for kindergarten. So the evaluation team recommemded that they do this special ed program this year called transitional kindergarten. It's a full day, kindergarten program for kids who are delayed in several areas, like the boys and since they just turned 5, they qualified. I never intended on enrolling them in kindergarten this year, but since it was a full day program with all the special ed help, it seemed like a great choice. Then next year, they can either do regular kindergarten or go onto 1st grade, whatever is more appropriate then.
It's been a super stressful 8 or 9 months or actually, almost a year. Last year, around November, their preschool teachers came to us and asked us to provide a teachers aide in their classroom, because the boys weren't getting enough support and were not able to participate in regular circle time activities; they'd wander off or not pay attention or start picking on other kids because they weren't able to follow the teacher. The teachers met with us and then sent us home with a video to show their typical behavior during circle time. We had no idea this was coming, especially since we had held them back in the 3-year old room, we thought maybe they'd be doing great. But since we already pay more than our mortgage in daycare each month (!!!!), I couldn't possible see how we could afford a private tutor in addition to regular preschool. I cried and cried and cried with stress. Anyway, slowly things have been figured out. It's like bits and bits of stress have been peeled back and thrown into the garbage, as each layer of life gets figured out.
Jackson's mouth is almost healed. What's it been, like 9 months? I finally told him that if he didn't stop licking his face that all the kids were going to laugh at him with his red face. I know that sounds mean, but it's true and I want his face to heal. So, he's stopped licking his face now.
I know, I have such an easier time playing little girl games. Sam & Jackson are way into looking for bugs and putting them into their bug catchers. Every morning, Jackson comes up to me all excited and says, "hey, you want to go look for some spiders!" EEEK, no way, I think. It's cute though, how they catch these bugs and put them into the bug catchers and then try to give them "food" and things to play with. They totally got into helping me vacuum out the car though. I put them to work and they did a great job. The shop vac is super amazing to them I guess. I feel guilty all the time too. For so many things that I don't even want to list them. Then that voice in my head says, STOP IT- what's the point, you can't change the past!!
Yeah, we don't drop the kids off with Michelle and Jon. Although, Michelle did come and stay with Traci and Peter to watch Hudson for 2 days, just during the day, while they were at work and the daycare was closed. Michelle and Jon have a 200 square foot house in the mountains with no toilet or shower and no electricity. And they have a dog. So the boys would be in hell- screaming bloody murder about the dog; not Chloe, she loves dogs. I'm just waiting for the day that the boys convince her to be afraid too. I hope it doesn't happen.
The big girl bed worked like a charm. Chloe has never gotten out of it once she'd been left there for nap or bedtime. I'm not sure why. She's the dream child, I guess. She's very proud of her bed. Michelle slept in her trundle bed already. I had to sleep with Chloe a few times in the middle of the night, because before that she was coming into our bed at about 3 or 4 am and sleeping with us. But now, she mostly sleeps all through the night by herself.
I guess I'll go now and have a beer with Jeff while we watch Seinfeld. Next time I write to you, the boys will be in kindergarten, it seems so serious.